
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dan Rodricks and an Ex Offender

In a recent article in The Baltimore Sun, Dan Rodricks featured an ex offender who is back in society after 30 years.   Reentry is often difficult for many inmates.  For those with long sentences as Mr. Grant, in Dan's article, when they return they face changed roads, cities, streets, housing, family changes and  or estrangement.
  Perhaps the only stable for many  is the poverty or run down areas that they left behind.  It is tough to be successful, especially when in prison they little or no access to technology that is so necessary to even apply for a job.
Often their most realistic lifeline to the outside is the information they get from their  Prison Libraries.  My hope is that once they are outside the fence,  they will visit  public libraries to help them in their quest for jobs, housing, and community resources.

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